Tolmezzo Tour 2022

Tolmezzo Tour 2022


A sunny awakening was the harbinger of a spectacular day! Just in time a group of Lotuses from a local community joined us, considerably extending the row of sports cars.

Leaving at 9 in the morning from Calalzo di Cadore, we arrived at Castello Lavazzo where we took a small road that led us through Podenzoi directly to the famous village of Longarone. On a residential terrace, we listened to Alessandro telling the sad story of the Vajont dam, which was visible from where we stopped. Back to our cars, we made our engines sing in the road tunnels leading to the dam. A moment of discouragement was the appearance of a police patrol, which fortunately let us pass and allowed us to return to a pace that was more appropriate for our cars.

After two little detours caused by some slightly cheeky Google Maps points and a nice drive of a good hour or so through the Friulian Alps, we took one of the most famous roads in motorsport: The famous Verzegnis climb, which hosts the well-known uphill race. 

With great happiness we reached the Trattoria Al Pescatore, where to everyone’s amazement, given the mountain location, we were able to enjoy some delicious fish dishes that allowed us to recover our energy for the afternoon, which turned out to be very intense. 


After lunch, in fact, we went to the Tolmezzo track hosted by the very kind Barry Rivellini who opened the doors of his circuit to us for a rather unusual afternoon, but one that reserved very high doses of fun: Everyone was able to drive their cars in a safer environment than the road, and a few unrestrained ones even performed a spin without consequences.

Having finished the 3 parade laps behind Elisa we took the way back to Calalzo where, shortly after the start, our Action Cam was lost. Elisa took the lead of the group, while our guide Matthias retraced his steps to look for the camera, which was incredibly found in a lay-by. It had miraculously stayed intact which you can see videos on our channels. The last part of the route saw us cross the beautiful Mauria pass, completely empty of cars thanks to the late hour.


Another day in which the sun warmed and tanned us and in which new friends joined us for the day. We packed up and loaded the cars and headed for the Tre Croci pass, which was the prelude to the more famous Giau pass. 

To say we were lucky with the traffic would be a complete understatement. We found the roads almost completely without cars, motorbikes and bicycles. After the usual break at the pass with the accompanying photos and chatter, we headed for the second stop of the day: The Fedaia pass dam where, after a refreshing drink at the nearby bar, we were able to line up our cars on the dam.

Arriving by midday, the Pian Schiavaneis restaurant on the slopes of the Sella Pass was the fitting end to what was a short and new tour, but one that provided us with fun and breathtaking scenery.